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Sale by Auction of Modern Farm Machinery & Equipment
Venue address
Clifton Bury Farm
Church Street
Clifton, Bedfordshire
SG17 5EX
United Kingdom
Sale by Auction of Modern Farm Machinery & Equipment

Auction of Tractors, Materials Handlers, Trailers, Irrigation Equipment, Implements & Spares at Clifton Bury Farm, Clifton, Beds., SG17 5EX

Auction dates
Apr 25, 2024 10:30 AM BST
Viewing dates
Apr 24, 2024 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Apr 25, 2024 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM BST
Auction currency
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There are 282 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
Single Kumho 145/80R10 wheel and tyre
Pair SOWA 5.60-15 wheels and tyres to suit irrigation trolley
Pair 4.00/8 wheels and tyres
12 GBP
Potato crusher, hydraulic operated
10 GBP
SGB RT26 diesel powered access platform
1,700 GBP
c.640 chitting trays
110 GBP
Wooden 3m gate
Lot 143
95 GBP
Metal gate post 4
20 GBP
2No metal wheelbarrows
10 GBP
Steel frame for raised fuel tank, 2m x 1.2m x 2.06m
35 GBP
Steel fuel tank
Lot 147
18 GBP
2,000l spray water tank
50 GBP
Atlas 1300l bunded tank
10 GBP
Titan FM2500 bunded fuel station with pump and nozzle, single phase NB: Manual in office.
720 GBP
Trailer sheet 3.2m x 9.4m
80 GBP
Quantity timber lengths
95 GBP
Metal 1000l tank
12 GBP
Quantity paving bricks
Quantity building blocks
Quantity bricks
Lot 154
Quantity bricks
Lot 154A
Quantity concrete slabs
quantity Stone parts and building materials
Chill Express storage container used for oil storage, 1.2m x 1.4m x 2.1m
10 GBP
Chill Express storage container used for oil storage, 1.2m x 1.4m x 2.1m
Bunded fuel station with electric pump and fuel meter, been used for red diesel
850 GBP
Balmoral tanks plastic bunded oil tank
50 GBP
Metal oil tank with sight gauge
25 GBP
Dutch harrow, 3 bed hydraulic folding, linkage mounted
340 GBP
Pig tail 12ft cultivator supplied by H A Collings Ltd of Biggleswade
35 GBP
1995 Grimme KS1500 potato topper. Serial No: 1801
80 GBP
Farm-made destoning 7ft cultivator with rear crumbler, linkage mounted
40 GBP
Bomford 2m grader, linkage mounted NB: Manual in office.
500 GBP
Farm-made 6ft 4 row seed line marker
20 GBP
Farm-made discs for strawberry runs, linkage mounted
20 GBP
Interrow 9ft steerage hoe, linkage mounted
35 GBP
Lot 166
25 GBP
1977 Rekord elevator, 3phase, spares or repairs. Serial No: 51166577 NB: Manual in office
220 GBP
Massey Ferguson 39 10ft springtine cultivator, linkage mounted. Serial No: 44708
260 GBP
Kongskilde 8ft springtine cultivator, linkage mounted
50 GBP
2No Cambridge rolls 4ft, trailed
130 GBP
Ransomes single leg subsoiler with disc wheel, linkage mounted, no shoe
200 GBP
3No stretchers with 7No seed harrow sections
30 GBP
Flat roll 9ft hollow, trailed
140 GBP
Farm-made Christmas tree lifter, linkage mounted
130 GBP
Stanhay S981 drill frame, linkage mounted
20 GBP
1993 Muratori MT7P 320 3.2m flail mower with spares blades. Serial No: 48503
750 GBP
3No 5ft cast iron flat rolls suited to onion configuration with spare ring
700 GBP
Low disturbance twin leg subsoiler with bout markers, linkage mounted
150 GBP
Dutch Harrow 8ft frame with rear crumbler, linkage mounted
30 GBP
Dutch Harrow 7ft frame, linkage mounted
30 GBP
Overum CX590F 5f reversible plough with skimmers, hydraulic vari-width. Serial No: 96 264201
1,080 GBP
Wessex FS270T ATV trailed salt spreader single axle. Serial No: 0581618
50 GBP