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Sale by Auction of Farm Machinery & Equipment
Venue address
Mount Pleasant Farm
Pound Lane
Over Whitacre
Coleshill, Warwickshire
B46 2NU
United Kingdom
Sale by Auction of Farm Machinery & Equipment

Auction of Combines, Tractors, Materials Handler, Trailer, Implements and Livestock Equipment at Mount Pleasant Farm, Over Whitacre, B46 2NU

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Please note all lots are sold as seen under our Conditions of Sale

Auction dates
Sep 08, 2023 10:30 AM BST
Viewing dates
Sep 07, 2023 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Sep 08, 2023 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM BST
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There are 210 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
Trailer rear door
30 GBP
Dropside 6t single axle trailer with grain chute on 12.5/80-15.3 wheels and tyres
500 GBP
Honda Big Red quad bike, spares or repairs. NB: No rear axle and incomplete engine
170 GBP
Honda Big Red quad bike, spares or repairs. NB: No rear axle
180 GBP
Honda Big Red petrol trike on 25x12.00-9.00 wheels and tyres, spares or repairs
400 GBP
Lot 153
Manure fork with JCB Compact brackets
50 GBP
Massey Ferguson 1.5m manure grab with JCB Compact brackets
520 GBP
Conventional bale grab with JCB Compact brackets
150 GBP
Browns hydraulic bale spike and squeeze with Euro 8 brackets and JCB Compact carriage adaptor
200 GBP
2008 Slewtic 0.5t general purpose bucket with Riko Parallel brackets
360 GBP
1995 Massey Ferguson 3655 Dynashift 4wd Datatronic tractor with 3 manual spools, front linkage and P
10,000 GBP
2004 Massey Ferguson 6495 4wd Dynashift tractor with cab suspension, 3 manual spools, front linkage
24,200 GBP
Opico 380GT gas 8t grain drier. C/W Operators manual
900 GBP
Sumo Trio 3 3m trailed cultivator with 6 subsoiler legs, 2 sets discs and rear zonal packer. Serial
12,100 GBP
Pair 13.6-36 David Brown wheels and tyres. NO VAT
15 GBP
Pair 13.6R38 wheels and tyres. NO VAT
55 GBP